For some of our functions, the original data is stored in Google
Drive and exceeds the file size limit for which direct downloads are
possible. As a result, the googledrive
package is required
to download the data though the Google Drive API and run the
The first time the package is called, it requires you to link your Google account and grant permissions to be able to download data through the Google Drive API.
You must tick all boxes when the permissions page opens, or else the following error will occur:
#Error in `gargle_abort_request_failed()`:
#! Client error: (403) Forbidden
#Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
#• domain: global
#• reason: insufficientPermissions
#• message: Insufficient Permission: Request had insufficient authentication
# scopes.
#Run `rlang::last_error()` to see where the error occurred.
For further information, click here to access the official package page.